School Uniform
The correct school uniform must be worn at all times. Children must not wear jewellery, however sleepers and studs are acceptable. Watches must be removed for P.E. and swimming lessons.
For those children who wear headscarves, these should be plain white, plain navy, plain blue or plain black and should not be too long in length. Multi-coloured or printed headscarves are not allowed.
The school uniform/P.E kit consists of:
- White/blue shirt or polo shirt;
- Grey/black/navy trousers or skirt/pinafore (skirts must be of an appropriate length – not too short, not too long);
- Wykeham Primary School jumper or cardigan;
- Black/navy shoes (no boots) or plain black trainers with no visible logos or markings;
- Wykeham Primary School t-shirt;
- Plain black/navy blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms;
- Plimsolls for indoors /taekwondo lessons and trainers for outdoors;
- Swimming trunks for boys (not shorts);
- One-piece swimming costume for girls;
- Swimming hat for all children (purchase from School Office);
- Swimming socks if required for medical reasons;
- Towel for swimming.
Please ensure that all school uniform and P.E kit is permanently marked with your child's name and class.
Wykeham Primary School uniform can be purchased from Rumbles School Uniform Store, 598 High Road, Wembley, Middlesex HA0 2AF