Wykeham Primary School

Wykeham Primary School

Committed to Excellence, Equality and Enjoyment

  1. Parents


Research shows that parental involvement in children’s learning is a key factor in improving children’s academic attainment and achievements, as well as their overall behaviour and attendance.

The role of parents during a child’s earliest years is the single biggest influence on their development. Good quality home learning contributes more to children’s intellectual and social development than parental occupation, education or income. 

A parent’s attitudes, aspirations and behaviour are all important, as is their ability to:

  • understand their child’s day-to-day progress
  • undertake family learning together
  • talk regularly with their child about their learning. 

At Wykeham, we value the contribution that parents make to our school. We believe it is important that parents have an opportunity to be connected to the school in a variety of ways. It is essential for the success of the school that parents are committed to, involved in and supportive of the decisions the school makes.