Wykeham Primary School

Wykeham Primary School

Committed to Excellence, Equality and Enjoyment

  1. Contact Us


Headteacher: Mr. Sharpe

 Deputy Headteacher: Mrs. Notay

 Assistant Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead: Ms. Springer

Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Coordinator: Mrs. O'Donnell

The above named staff can be contacted on 0208 450 8425

Wykeham Primary School 

Aboyne Road


NW10 0EX

0208 450 8425

Disabled Access to the School

The first entrance on Annesley Close is the school's disabled access point. Please ring the bell to contact the School Office. 


Safeguarding queries

For any queries relating to safeguarding during the school day, please email safeguarding@wykeham.brent.sch.uk

For any queries or matters concerning safeguarding outside school hours or in the school holidays, please contact Brent Family Front Door or call 020 8937 4300 (option 1) to discuss your concern. If you are calling outside normal office hours (9am - 5pm) please call the emergency duty team on: 020 8863 5250. 


Queries regarding data protection

Our Data Protection Officer is:

Brent Council’s Data Protection for Schools Service

Telephone: 020 8937 2018

Email: school.dpo@brent.gov.uk

Address: Data Protection Officer, Brent Council, Civic Centre, Engineers Way HA9 0FJ.


Other Queries

For all other queries or to request a paper copy of any of the documents on the website, please contact Mrs. Sehra, our Administrator: 

Telephone/Fax: 0208 450 8425

Email: admin@wykeham.brent.sch.uk