Wykeham Primary School

Wykeham Primary School

Committed to Excellence, Equality and Enjoyment

  1. Parents
  2. Information on Coronavirus

Coronavirus Update and Guidance

COVID-19 Changes for Schools
Schools are no longer required to conduct routine contact tracing (i.e. the Headteacher sends the rest of the class/close contacts home to isolate after contact with a positive case). As with positive cases in any other settings, NHS Test and Trace will work with either the positive case – or in the case of children – the parents/carers of the positive case to identify close contacts. NHS Test and Trace already manages the contact tracing process for the rest of society – including children who have recorded a positive PCR test – and has expertise in supporting people to identify close contacts.

NHS Test and Trace want parents/carers to be aware that from this new school year, just being in an education setting with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 will not necessarily mean a person is identified as a close contact. In day-to-day school life, we no longer have to have separate bubbles for each year group so we can return to some normality e.g. whole school face-to-face assemblies, mixing at lunchtimes and in the playground. However, if there is a significant number of COVID-19 cases, then Public Health England can put ‘bubble’ and other restrictions back in place immediately.

We will continue to ensure pupils wash/sanitise hands frequently, cough or sneeze into a tissue or into the crook of their elbow on a regular basis. Please encourage your child to carry a pack of pocket tissues on them at all times for personal use only. Tissues will be available in classrooms if required. Our extensive cleaning routine continues, where high touch points and toilets are cleaned throughout the school day. As advised, we will keep all indoor areas well ventilated. We are allowed to be more relaxed about having parents on site but ask that you do not enter the school building without permission. The number of adults on site at any one time will remain restricted.

If your child becomes unwell whilst at school with symptoms of coronavirus, we will call you to collect your child who must go home as soon as possible. Your child will be isolated from others in school until they are collected. If your child has symptoms, then parents/carers must book a PCR test through the NHS Test and Trace website or by calling 119. If the PCR test is positive, then there is a legal obligation for your child to isolate for 10 days since their first symptom or from the test day. Your child should not come into school during this time. Please inform the school of the result as soon as possible. NHS Track and Trace will help you to identify close contacts.

As of 16th August, if the close contact is under 18, they will not have to self-isolate (neither will any fully vaccinated adults, which includes the majority of our staff) but all close contacts will be asked to take a PCR test as soon as possible. Please note that, close contacts will not need to self-isolate while awaiting the results of the test. If the PCR test turns out to be positive, they will be required to self-isolate for 10 days from the date of the test. Therefore, please understand that as Headteacher, I will not be sending home classes of pupils if you hear that one child at school has tested positive as this is not currently in line with the present Public Health guidance. I will inform you if a close contact to your child has tested positive though and advise you to get a PCR test for your child.

School Drop Off and Pick Up
Over the past year, we have had to react robustly to the challenges of COVID-19 by making changes to remain compliant and safe. However, some of these changes have improved our practice and supported safeguarding the children more effectively. These ‘COVID Keeps’ will now form part of our daily school routine, including the continuation of drop off and pick up routines at the designated entrances. This has enabled the children to settle and engage in their learning more quickly and the school premises are secure at the beginning and the end of the day.

The designated entrances for each year groups will be open from 8:50 a.m. to 9:05 a.m. for you to drop off your child and from 3:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. for pick up. Do not worry if you have several children in school. We will keep your child safe until you collect them as you make your way around school. Please see the map at the end of the letter and follow the signage around the perimeter fencing. 

We request that parents and children arrive no earlier than 8:45 a.m. as there is no supervision on the pavements/roads outside the school premises. Please wait with your child, especially younger children, until a member of staff arrives. I must ask that you remind your child to be mindful and respectful of the local residents by keeping the noise level low. Parents/carers must drive and park considerately to ensure that we continue to keep our children safe. Please be reminded that there is restricted entrance times on Annesley Close – please check
the road signage.

This is still an anxious time for all of us. However, together, we will ensure that we do our utmost to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. Thank you for your continued support. 


Year Group




Nursery entrance on Annesley Close 



Nursery entrance on Annesley Close 


Year 1

Middle entrance on Annesley Close 


Year 2

Field entrance on Ardley Close 


Year 3

First entrance on Annesley Close 


Year 4

First entrance on Ardley Close 


Year 5

Middle entrance on Ardley Close 


Year 6

Main entrance on Aboyne Road 


Class 34W

First entrance on Annesley Close 

     For more information and advice, please visit the Government website and Brent website