Wykeham Primary School

Wykeham Primary School

Committed to Excellence, Equality and Enjoyment

  1. Parents
  2. Coffee Morning

Parents' Coffee Morning Sessions

Online Safety

Parents felt that the online safety coffee morning was very informative. They were very positive about the discussions on supporting their children in staying safe when online. To further support all parents, please see the resources from the session below. Please also contact us if you want to talk about any of the issues discussed or if you want support on how to start a conversation with your child. 

How to set up parental controls for apps - iPhones

How to set up parental controls for apps - Android phones

Tips for using and reviewing parental controls



Oral Health

The coffee morning on Oral Health for parents went very well. Thank you to the parents who were able to attend. This was followed by oral health workshops for Reception and Year 1 pupils which was well received by both parents and pupils.

During the workshop, pupils were taught about the importance of brushing their teeth, how to brush their teeth and how often. The health promoter demonstrated this with model teeth, toothbrushes, toothpaste and also images. They were taught about which foods to either avoid or limit their consumption due to their negative impact. All children were fully engaged in the sessions and were keen to answer questions posed by the lead.  

Pupils in Year 1 have been given Colgate toothbrushes and toothpaste to take home. Pupils in reception will begin their oral health supervised toothbrushing programme in January. Consent forms have been sent home. If you have not already done so, please return them as soon as possible so that all Reception pupils may participate in this valuable programme. 
There will be an oral health and healthy eating assembly for KS2 and Year 2 pupils in January. 
Pupils' feedback was very positive. 
One Reception pupil said:
I liked the workshop because I learnt about how to look after my teeth. 
One Year 1 pupil responded: 
Thank you for the toothpaste and toothbrush. I have always wanted my own toothpaste. 
For parents' comments, please click here

Speech and Language

Thank you to all the parents who attended the Speech and Language Coffee Morning led by our Speech and Language Therapist. It was great to see so many of you asking questions to help better understand and support your children.

Please find the presentation from the session below:

Speech and Language Coffee Morning.pdf

For support for younger children with Speech and Language difficulties, go to:


To see some of the parents' comments about the session, please click here.


Online Safety

It was an absolute delight that so many of you took the time to join us for our Online Safety Coffee Morning. Some of you asked for the links to the information we shared with you. Please find these links below:


What are Parental Controls?

At what age can my child start social networking? 

What I should know about wearable technology?

Thank you for your positive feedback, which you can read here.

If you have any questions or need further support for you or your child, please visit the online safety page on our school website or let your child’s teacher know and we will be in touch.